The pain in the back above the kidneys: why is there evil and how to deal with

The pain in all the body – it is always unpleasant. In order to remove the on the not of the appearance of all kinds of pain in the body of a man, you need to monitor your health.

causes of pain in the back

All the pain in the lumbar region may have a negative impact on the spine of the man.

Lumbar region – very important area of the human body, because it is far fulfils the function of communication between the bottom and the top of the body.

Note that the kidney is in charge of incredible work, and it is therefore more vulnerable to injury than other parts of the body, less charged.

Certainly all the world knows, what is the lumbar back pain and as it is unpleasant. Diseases such as low back pain, sciatica are very dangerous to the human body in general.

The more often you can encounter lower back pain, which is caused by changes in the lumbosacral region, located in the vertebral column of man. If you feel pain in the lower back, in this case, you need as quickly as possible to consult a doctor for help.

To the great regret huge, lumbar spine, pain can occur in people of all ages, veins, depending on if You are a man or a woman.

It is to be noted that in such cases, the receipt of painkillers is not always an effective way to get rid of the pain. Taking pain reliever, You don't ignore all the symptoms, but the problem remains.

The reasons

For a more precise definition of the causes of back pain, you must first understand what are the inherent characteristics of the pain. The pain in the lower back intensity share the acute and chronic. Acute pain call of severe pain, t while the chronic is less intense, constant pain in the lower back.

In our time, there are a number of other symptoms, among which:

  • dyspnea;
  • nausea;
  • increase of the temperature;
  • cough;
  • vomiting.

Lumbar pain above the kidneys, as well as other pain, can be of different nature. The first pain in lower back – pain, which has no precise location, stretching.

The causes of these pain in the human body can be various:

  • heart disease;
  • pneumonia (inflammation of lungs), pleural effusion;
  • the diseases of the organs in the abdomen, both acute and chronic;
  • the diseases related to the esophagus;
  • a kidney disease;
  • pregnancy.

Other pain is inherent in the clear of the location. This pain is characteristic of a sign – a burning sensation in the wan on the body. This kind of pain in the patient a little more easy to adapt to.

pain in the back

The main cause of the onset of pain in the lower back above the waist is a pathology of the spinal column in man, as well as adjacent to him, musculo-ribs of the carcass. Here is a list of some of the pathological causes of these pains.

Among them, in a special way, you can select:

  • sciatica;
  • the injuries to the ribs and the vertebral column in the thoracic region;
  • lumbar, as well as chest, pain in the lower back;
  • myositis (inflammation of muscles);

Naturally, only one kind of lower back pain is almost impossible to identify the exact cause of the pain.

This is why the need for the assistance of a qualified technician. It must be said that even a qualified doctor may not be able to detect the origin of the appearance of low back pain. To do this, can undertake special examinations, which are checked on the presence in the blood of a patient of substances, which may be due to pathogens of the pain.

What if the back pain above kidney disease?

In response to the question posed, it must be said that in such a case, you must correctly treated. To do this, you must ask the family doctor or therapist.

If You do not have a god to occur in the acute pain, which is impossible to sustain, it must quickly call an ambulance. If the pain in the back above the kidneys appeared after a strong contusion closer to the fall, see your doctor.

To top it all off it must be said that when lower back pain can help You:

  • orthopedic;
  • infectious diseases;
  • the surgeon;
  • gastroenterologist
  • pulmonologist;
  • cardiologist
  • the gynaecologist;
  • a nephrologist;
  • the urologist;
  • proctologist.

It must be said that in the past half-century medical approaches to the treatment of lower back pain mainly exchanged, improved, because medical progress during this time, has made an excellent step to healing. Initially, the causes of back pain related to inflammatory processes, nerve trunks and roots. The concurring opinion appears in the term, more known under the name of sciatica.

In the last century, in the fifties, all the radiculitis have been treated in most cases, high doses of antibiotics.

A little later, for the cause of the onset of back pain have begun to find degenerate-degenerative changes of the spine of the man.

the diagnosis and treatment

Later, thanks to this opinion began with the successful location of the operation above the herniation of the discs of the spine. Already at the end of the millennium, many scientists-neurologists have begun to converge in the opinion that the pain in the lumbar area occur because of muscular origin. Then, the doctors have made the link between low back pain and various syndromes.

The doctor recommends (as a function of the decline in the patient's condition):

  • over a period ranging from 2 to 5 days to refrain from any physical activity, join the bed rest;
  • the surface of the bed should be solid and smooth;
  • in most cases, the receipt of the gels and ointments containing analgesics of the property;
  • the warming and ingredients anti-inflammatory;
  • the muscle relaxant, used to relieve the muscle spasms;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • physiotherapy;
  • vascular and diuretic;

In this case, also help procedures – electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, phonophorèse, massage. All this helps to relieve muscle tension, and puts an end to the inflammatory process, but it also has an advantage over the bloodstream.

Why back pain right above kidney disease?

This question is often asked in some circles of people. Pain in right side above the kidney can have several causes:

  • the diseases of the internal organs of man;
  • the pathology of the musculoskeletal system and device of man.

The pains occur regularly or temporarily. Temporary pain can with a high probability of occur due to the fact that the man is a long time in an uncomfortable position for him to position, when you lift the weight, etc

But if the pain in the right side above the waist to accompany You throughout the day, you should immediately consult a physician. In most cases of pain in the human there are of the disease.

The pain in the right side above the waist. The solution to this problem lies in the spinal column

Often, when fighting in the right side above kidney can be used diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as:

  • osteochondrosis of the lumbar;
  • the syndrome of sciatica;
  • spondylosis lumbar;
  • injuries of the spinal column;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • the tumor is of a different quality;
  • other inflammatory diseases, as well as the degenerative processes.
back pain

In all cases, when such pain of the man is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. Don't delay to their own state of health, of a drawer, because with the time detailed the pain can only increase.